spring IOC 启动的时候,会报这个错误。
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-3.0.xsd; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 50; White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
Reasons: i think the most possible reasons is that you lost the jar. 最有可能得情况是没有在classpath里面添加该jar。
Solution: check if you have the jar and add to your classpath. 检查在工程里面是否有该jar.
Affiliated:spring beans example. spring xmls example.
另外:对于 xmlns 更像是声明这下关键字的(context,aop)的使用空间。xsi:schemalocation更像是相应的文件的路径。